FREE eBook – Designing, Implementing, and Maintaining Low-Cost Wireless Networks

wirless networking in the developing worldA core team of seven people from the “Book Sprint” project at the 2005 session of the World Summit on Free Information Infrastructures (WSFII), in London, England, where individuals and groups from across the world working on projects such as free wireless networking, free of copyright mapping and open hardware, took it upon themselves to write a watermark book titled “Wireless Networking in the Developing World”.

Wireless Networking in the Developing World is a free book about designing, implementing, and maintaining low-cost wireless networks. The book is in its 3rd edition as of February 2013, and is a 520 page practical guide to designing and building wireless networks in local communities, enhancing lives through improved communication, access to information for educational, social and economic growth. It is a great resource for those who want to build their own network for IoT and the main site Wireless Network In Developing World ( has an excellent list of resources links for network builders.

The sites primary goal is to help expand access to the Internet and to expand the deployment of community networks where there is currently no infrastructure to enable this to happen. Written by subject matter experts who have vast experience in deploying wireless networks in the field and connecting communities to the global Internet, this is a must have resource.

Download the latest edition of the Wireless Networking in the Developing World (PDF file 10.1 Mb).

About Louie

I have actively been interested and working in electronics, technology, computing, and scientific research for many years both as a practicing enthusiast and advanced maker, and in my professional career as an Experimental Scientist, Technology Manager, and IT Consultant. There are many insights I have gained over the years however, my failures have been my biggest source of frustration and learning.

I created the “Research Lab Notes” site to capture and share my thoughts, discoveries, resources, and show case my projects with people who share the same passion for learning and innovation.

While I will make ever effort to keep this blog simple and interesting, I will from time to time be blogging about advanced and complex topics because of my deeper interests. I hope you will find something of interest and more importantly learn something of value.

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